Monday, 4 April 2016


Before the onset of Paediatrics as an independent discipline, childcare was limited to using adult medication on to children, who were seen merely as mini versions of adults. In 1929, Sir Ness Wadia and Sir Cusrow Wadia built The Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children, in memory of their mother Bai Jerbai Wadia. Emerging as India’s first specialized Paediatrics hospital, it was dedicated exclusively to healthcare for children.
Located in the heart of the city, the hospital pledges to extend its services to people, regardless of their socio-economic status, believing strongly in the fact that quality healthcare should not be restricted to only certain sections of society.
The building is a Grade 2 Heritage Structure located at A.D. Marg. Parel, Mumbai. It comprises ground plus two upper floors and has a built-up area of 1,40,000 Sft which consists of 5 Blocks (A,B,C,D & E).
The hospital consists of 412 beds with 38 private rooms and 5 general wards with OT Area, CSSD, HEMAT, NICU &IPCU, CATHLAB etc.
Masters’ Role
Masters was appointed as Project Management Consultants for revamping Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children on 15th July 2015.
The total duration of the project is 18 Months. Masters was introduced by Client when approximately 15% of the total value of work was completed in B, C, D blocks.
Principal consultants are:
Client Wadia Hospital
Project Managers Masters Management Consultants (India ) Pvt Ltd
Project Architect KGD architects & Consultants
Services Consultant Eskayem Consultants Pvt. Ltd
Structural Consultant Structwell Designers & Consultants Pvt Ltd

 Project Details
Civil and finishing works includes repairs, retrofitting and restoration of existing steel structure, carpentry works, block work, internal and external plaster, flooring and painting works.
MEP works includes plumbing & fire-fighting works, centralized water cooled system, electrical works with DG & IBMS works.
HVAC -- Mumbai has a ‘warm and humid’ climate, winter heating is not considered except for OTs and ICUs. Winter heating will be provided for OTs and ICUs. These AHUs will be provided with electric strip heaters to achieve winter heating as well as required humidity control.
Soil & Waste System -- The soil and waste systems will have independent stacks. All vertical soil and waste stacks for patient rooms will be UPVC type B conforming to IS: 13592: 92. Joints will be with solvent cement or rubber ring fittings to IS: 14735: 99.
Lighting -- Lighting in the entire hospital will be combination of LED, fluorescent and compact fluorescent lamps with high performance electronic chokes.
Sewage Treatment Plant -- All soil and waste water from the hospital will be taken into sewage treatment plant (STP). Waste from the kitchens will go through grease interceptors before reaching the STP. There will be nearly 250 Kld of sewage generated in a day. (16 hours working). A 250 Kl capacity of sewage treatment plant is planned. The treatment process is the MBBR system (Moving Bed Bio Reactor)

Backup Generation -- It is proposed to have 100% power backup which will meet the total needs of the hospital and there shall be no degradation in the hospital functioning. To meet a backup power requirement of 1475 kVA @ 0.8PF it is proposed to have 2# 750 KVA D.G.
Lightening Protection -- Lightening Protection of the building consists of lightning arrestors located on terrace floor. System will be conventional lightning protection as per IS 2309. It will be connected to the earth grid through the down conductor. A hybrid system of conventional lightning protection system and advanced lightning protection system also can be employed effectively.
Security System -- The proposed security system basically comprises i) Close Circuit Television (CCTV) monitoring system in common areas. ii) Access control system will be as per LV matrix. The CCTV monitoring will be limited to the following. All car parks & engineering areas will be monitored. At upper floors the common public areas such as waiting area, lobbies, staircase etc. will be monitored.
The building consists of one existing lift. Existing lift well dimensions are 2610 mm width & 1450 mm depth with lift pit of 1000 mm and overhead available is 3700 mm. Total building height is @11.89 meter machine rooms elevators will be selected with center opening. Landing are considered (G + 2 floor) home landing for the lift will be ground floor.
Fire Detection & Fire Fighting
Fire Systems design will follow guidelines of the National Building Code (NBC- 2005) and relevant Indian Standards (IS) wherever they are not conflicting with the mandated requirements of the Chief Fire Officer (CFO).The building is under category C-1-2Institutional Building as per NBC. Some of the important features of the National Building Code
Building Management System (BMS)
The building management system (BMS) is a microprocessor based Multi- tasking multi-level system with 3 levels of monitoring and control viz.--
i) Management Control
ii) System Control Panel
iii) Local Control Panel
The management level is a computer based man-machine interface comprising PC, Portable terminals & Printers. The Building Management System is meant to monitor and control the following building systems as defined below:
a. HVAC systems
b. Ventilation and Exhaust Systems
c. Electrical & DG system
d. Water supply system
e. Fire Fighting and fire detection system
f. Fuel oil tanks
Building Envelope
As this is an existing structure with Opaque wall of 450mm thick stone wall .we considered 12 mm plastering on the inside. By considering this arrangement U – value of opaque wall will be0.60 BTU/hr ft.2°F this is taken as a design basis.
Existing Single glazing clear glass of U Value 1.13 BTU/hr ft.2°F and shading factor of 0.56 with inside venetian blind is considered for heat loads.
Ventilation requirement as per ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170- 2008.Ventilation for Health Care Facilities as mentioned in Table 7-1: All exposed roofs shall be insulated to have an R (resistance) (m2k/w) value of 1.43 which is equivalent to 50mm thick expanded polystyrene.
The internal loads viz. people, lighting and equipment vary from space to space and depends largely upon the usage of space. However the values are based on past experience and guide lines for design and construction of Hospital and Healthcare facilities issued by the Academy of Architecture for Health with assistance from the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Current Status of the Project
Overall 65% of work is completed till date. All civil, finishes and MEP low side works will be completed by 30th of April 16. IBMS works and testing and commissioning of chillers will be completed by 30th May 2016.
Masters Team members at Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital are; P. M. Yerriswamy, Anup Chotaliya, Sumesh Akkewar, Deepak Haldankar, Chandresh Yadav, Kalendra Singh
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