Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Head & Neck Cancer Hospital, Mazgaon, Mumbai


The Cancare Trust in conjunction with the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) is undertaking the development of a speciality hospital under a Public Private Partnership arrangement.Head & neck Cancer hospital is intended for treatment of cancers grouped as Head & Neck cancers i.e. cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, the para-nasal sinuses, the salivary glands and the thyroid. In addition, the hospital shall also provide diagnostic services and treatment for Women’s cancers.
Masters Management Consultants (India) Pvt. Ltd have been appointed the Project Management Consultants and have been working closely with the Trust in order to realise this project.
Project Overview
The hospital is proposed to be built on the site of currently occupied by a non-functional BMC run Maternity Hospital in Mazgaon, Mumbai. The site falls under Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ-2) and is extremely constrained.
The hospital is intended to be constructed over the plot measuring approx. 1,124sq.m, and accommodate approx. 90 beds. The following key facilities are envisaged in the proposed hospital:
•    Inpatient wards
•    Intensive Care Units (ICU)
•    Daycare department with a dedicated ward and minor operation theatre
•    Major Operation theatres and support services
•    Outpatient Department with consulting rooms
•    Diagnostic facilities like X-Ray, ECG, Ultrasound and Mammography
•    Radiotherapy with a Linear Accelerator and PET CT
•    Pathology
•    Training, Education & Research Centre
•    Reception, waiting and administrative/ Back-of House areas
The project is currently completing the concept design stage and statutory approvals are concurrently being sought.
Space Planning
Space planning for the hospital design has been a challenge due to the extremely small, awkward shape of the site, and planning regulations as per the DCR. The effective foot-print after the mandatory set-backs is approx. 500 sq.m, with further space consumed by the required two fire staircases and circulation. The effective useable space on each floor thus is very restricted.
Some of the key design considerations in the planning include:
•    Accessibility
Due to the small size and shape of the plot, the site has a restricted fire tender movement around the building. To overcome this and ensure safe evacuation in case of fire incidence, most of the habitable areas are maintained on the main road side, while the non-habitable areas are placed on the rear side.
The hospital is designed to be fully accessible via wheelchair. The entrance lobby is accessed via a ramp, with further vertical movement via three stretcher lifts within the building.
A dedicated lift is provided for the doctors for easy and quick access.
•    Waiting and Reception Areas
One of the main issues faced by hospitals in India is to manage crowding. To overcome this, ample reception and waiting area is provided at the entry level and departmental level. The entire ground floor is dedicated for reception and waiting. The main reception area is a circular, double heighted area, giving a bigger volume to the space.
•    Functional Proximities
1    Reception- Registration
The main area for central registrations and discharge is located on the first floor in close proximity of the reception and waiting area. These functions would be ideally located on the ground floor, however with a restricted floor plate, first floor was considered the most appropriate. The department can be accessed by stairs as well as patient lifts.
2    Out Patient Department
The out-patient department is the busiest department in any hospital and caters to maximum people traffic throughout the day. In order to optimise on the lift traffic, the OPD is placed on level 2 and 3, immediately above the central registration. Patients with mobility can easily use stairs to access these areas, thus reducing the traffic on the lifts during peak times.
3    OT-ICU-Daycare
The key critical clinical functions within the hospital are undertaken in the Daycare, Intensive Care Unit and the Operating Theatre complex. It is ideal to keep these functions well connected so as to enable the doctors and clinical staff to access all these areas within a short travel distance and time. Hence these critical functions are located on consecutive floors.
4    CSSD
The Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD) is the heart of any hospital, from where all the sterile supplies are dispatched to each department. This department is connected to each of the clinical areas via a nurses’ base which has access to a dumb waiter. Sterile supplies are dispatched to each department through dedicated dumb waiters to ensure timely supplies without exposure to contamination.

•    Location of Radiotherapy Department
One of the key facilities within the department is a Linear Accelerator (Linac). The due to radioactive emissions, the Linac room, rightly called as ‘Bunker’ needs to be constructed in heavy RCC and be as isolated as possible from the main clinical and public areas. The wall and slab thickness in specific sections of the bunker go upto 2.5m in thickness. With such a heavy structural frame, it is feasible to locate the bunker in the basement.
Early Concept Views


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Wednesday, 16 March 2016

IGBC Green Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS)


IGBC Green MRTS rating system is a voluntary and consensus based programme. The rating system has been developed with the support of IGBC Green MRTS Steering Committee.
The rating system is a tool to enable new Rail based MRTS to apply green concepts during design & construction, so as to further reduce environmental impacts that are measurable. The overarching objective of IGBC Green MRTS Rating is to ensure environmental sustainability, while enhancing commuter experience.
By applying the green concepts in the design, construction & operation, the following additional benefits are envisaged over conventional MRTS for the Environment, Metro Rail Authorities and Commuters:
•    Reduced dependency on private vehicles, thereby minimising the environmental impacts associated with the use of conventional energy
•    Integration with other modes of public transport, thereby enhancing connectivity
•    Enhanced station accessibility to improve first & last mile connectivity and achieve maximum ridership
•    Maximise resource efficiency
•    Increased environmental awareness among commuters
•    Enhanced commuting experience
All new Rail based MRTS projects can apply for IGBC Green MRTS Rating, if they meet all the mandatory requirements and achieve the minimum required credit points.
List of Rail based MRTS projects applicable under IGBC Green MRTS Rating are as under:
•    Metro Rail Systems
•    Mono Rail Systems
The current pilot version of IGBC Green MRTS Rating Abridged Version is only applicable for Metro Rail Systems. IGBC would release applicability guide of IGBC Green MRTS Rating for Mono Rail systems at a later date.
Scope of IGBC Green MRTS Rating for Metro Rail systems includes Elevated stations, Underground stations, At grade stations and Viaduct/ Tunnel.
For the purpose of rating, the project team has to define a clear site boundary which includes but not limited to:
•    Station building, Ancillary facilities, Parking, Hardscape/ Softscape area around station etc.
•    Except for Property Development areas within the station, other Property Development areas outside/ above stations are excluded from the scope of IGBC Green MRTS Rating.

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IGBC Green Landscapes


IGBC has set up the Green Landscape Core Committee to develop the pilot rating programme. This committee comprised of key stakeholders including architects, landscape architects, builders, consultants, developers, horticulturist, academicians, botanist and industry representatives. The varied experience and professions of the committee members brings in a holistic perspective in the process of developing the rating programme.
IGBC Green Landscape Rating System is a voluntary and consensus based programme. The rating system has been developed based on practices and technologies that are presently available. The objective of IGBC Green Landscape Rating System is to facilitate creation of comfortable and environmentally friendly landscape for people. Rating system is evolved so as to be comprehensive and at the same time user-friendly. The programme is fundamentally designed to enhance quality of life for users and address national priorities. The rating programme uses well accepted National standards. Wherever local or National standards are not available, appropriate international benchmarks have been considered.
Green Landscapes can have tremendous benefits, both tangible and intangible. The most tangible benefits are the reduction in potable water, better handling of waste and energy efficiency. Intangible benefits include a serene experience for the user, enhanced biodiversity and protection & enriching of top soil.
The project team can evaluate all the possible points to apply under the rating system using a suitable checklist. The project can apply for IGBC Landscapes certification if it can meet all mandatory requirements and achieve the minimum required points.
- Site Selection and Planning
- Selection of Species for Landscape
- Material Selection
- Health & Well being
- Water Conservation
- Energy Efficiency
- Operation and Maintenance
- Innovation & Design Process
IGBC Green Landscape Rating System is a measurement system designed for rating new and existing parks/gardens, which are broadly classified into two categories:
1.    Small parks/gardens (< 5 acres)
2.    Large parks/gardens (> 5 acres)
Landscape facilities in Airport/ Amusement Parks/ Botanical Garden/ Campus/ Clubs/ Commercial/ Community parks/ Convention centre/ Film cities & similar facilities/ Golf course/ Government offices/ Guest houses/ Heritage sites/ Hospitals/ Hotels/ Industrial/ Institutional/ IT parks/ Memorial Parks/ Residential/ Resorts/ Retail/ SEZ's and Temples can apply the rating tool.
The park/ garden should be a single parcel of land, and it cannot be in multiple pockets, beyond the site boundary.
In general, any landscapes (private or public) which can meet the mandatory requirements and minimum credit requirements can apply. Various levels of certification are awarded based on the total points earned.
When to use IGBC Green Landscapes
IGBC Green Landscape Rating System is designed both for existing and new landscapes. The project team can evaluate all the possible points to apply under the rating system using a checklist. The project can apply for IGBC Green Landscape, certification if it can meet all mandatory requirements and achieve the minimum required points.
Certification Levels:
The guidelines detailed under each mandatory requirement & credit enables the design and construction of green landscapes of all sizes and types. Different levels of certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. However, every Green Landscape should meet certain mandatory requirements, which are non-negotiable.
The threshold criteria for certification/pre-certification levels are as under:
Certification Leve Small Parks- area less than 5 acres Large Parks- area greater than 5 acres Large Parks- area
Certified 45 - 53 50 - 59 Best Practices
Silver 54 - 62 60 - 69 Outstanding Performance
Gold 63 - 71 70 - 79 National Excellence
Platinum 60 - 75 72 - 90 Global Leadership

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Contact us - +91 22 64567600



The IGBC Green SEZ Rating System (Pilot version) is an extension of the Green SEZ guidelines. The Indian Green Building Council along with Ministry of Commerce & Industry has prepared the Green SEZ guidelines. The rating system encourages the projects to surpass the requirements of many codes and standards.
The rating programme is a tool which enables the designer to apply green concepts and criteria, so as to reduce the environmental impacts, which are measurable. The programme covers methodologies to cover diverse climatic zones and changing lifestyles.
IGBC Green SEZ Rating System is a voluntary and consensus based programme. The rating system has been developed based on materials and technologies that are presently available.
The objective of IGBC Green SEZ is to facilitate the creation of energy efficient, water efficient, healthy, comfortable and environmentally friendly SEZ. The rating system evaluates certain credit points using a prescriptive approach and other credits on a performance based approach. The rating system is evolved so as to be comprehensive and at the same time user-friendly.
The rating programme uses well accepted national standards and wherever local or national standards are not available, appropriate international benchmarks have been considered.
National Benefits
•    Reduction in energy use and connected load leading to savings in infrastructure investments
•    Reduction in potable water savings and public investments related to waste water treatment
•    Reduction in fuel use for transport, thereby saving on oil import bills
•    Organised handling of waste and waste management
•    Incubation of green building materials manufacturers, thereby leading to lower cost of creating green SEZ's.
Benefits at Local Level
•    Encourage local economy
•    Better quality of life for the occupants of SEZ's
•    Optimum utilization of resources-Energy, Water
•    Reduced operational cost for the occupants
The guidelines detailed under each mandatory requirement & credit enables the design and construction of green SEZ of all sizes and types. IGBC Green SEZ addresses green features under the following categories:
•    Site Preservation & Restoration
•    Site Planning & Design
•    Water Efficiency
•    Energy Efficiency
•    Materials & Resources
•    Innovation & Design Process
When to use IGBC Green SEZs
The project team can evaluate all the possible points to apply under the rating system using a suitable checklist. The project can apply for IGBC Green SEZ certification if it can meet all mandatory requirements and achieve the minimum required points.
Certification Levels:
Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. However, every Green SEZ should meet certain mandatory requirements, which are non-negotiable.The threshold criteria for certification/provisional levels are as under:

Certification Level
Points Recognition
Certified    51 - 60    Best Practices
Silver   61 - 70    Outstanding Performance
Gold    71 - 80    National Excellence
Platinum    81-100   Global Leadership

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IGBC Green Factory Buildings


ndian Green Building Council (IGBC) Green Factory Buildings is the first rating programme developed in India, exclusively for the industrial sector. It is based on accepted energy and environmental principles and strikes a balance between known established practices and emerging concepts. The system is designed to be comprehensive in scope, yet simple in operation. This rating system would address the factory buildings and not the processes. It would be applicable to all sectors of industry and for all climatic zones of India.
IGBC Green Factory Building Rating System is a voluntary and consensus based programme. The rating system has been developed based on materials and technologies that are currently available. This rating system would facilitate the development of energy efficient, water efficient, healthy, more productive, environmentally friendly factories.
The rating system evaluates certain credit points using a prescriptive approach and other credits on a performance based approach. The rating system is evolved so as to be comprehensive and at the same time user-friendly. The programme is fundamentally designed to address national priorities and quality of life for factory workmen.
The rating programme uses well accepted national standards and wherever local or national standards are not available, appropriate international benchmarks have been considered.
Green Existing Buildings can have tremendous benefits, both tangible and intangible.
Tangible benefits
•    Energy savings : 30 - 40%
•    Water savings : 20 - 30%
Intangible benefits
•    Enhanced indoor air quality
•    Good day lighting
•    Health & wellbeing of the occupants
•    Safety of the workmen
The project team can evaluate all the possible points to apply under the rating system using a suitable checklist. The project can apply for IGBC Factory Buildings certification if it can meet all mandatory requirements and achieve the minimum required points.
IGBC Green Factory Buildings rating system addresses green features under the following categories:
•    Site Selection and Planning
•    Water Conservation
•    Energy Conservation
•    Materials Conservation
•    Indoor Environmental Quality and Occupational Health
•    Innovation & Design Process
IGBC Green Factory Building Rating System addresses both new and existing factory buildings. This rating system would address the factory buildings and not the processes. It would be applicable to all sectors of industry and for all climatic zones of India.
Certification Levels:
Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. However, every Green Factory Building should meet certain mandatory requirements, which are non-negotiable.
The threshold criteria for certification/provisional levels are as under:
Certification Level Points Recognition
Certified 51 - 60 Best Practices
Silver 61 - 70 Outstanding Performance
Gold 71 - 80 National Excellence
Platinum 81-100 Global Leadership

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Contact us - +91 22 64567600

IGBC Green Homes


Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) Green Homes is the first rating programme developed in India, exclusively for the residential sector. It is based on accepted energy and environmental principles and strikes a balance between known established practices and emerging concepts. The system is designed to be comprehensive in scope, yet simple in operation
IGBC Green Homes® Rating System is a voluntary and consensus based programme. The rating system has been developed based on materials and technologies that are presently available.
The objective of IGBC Green Homes® is to facilitate the effective use of site resources, water conservation, energy efficiency, handling of house-hold waste, optimum material utilization and design for healthy, comfortable & environmentally friendly homes.
The rating system evaluates certain mandatory requirements & credit points using a prescriptive approach and others on a performance based approach. The rating system is evolved so as to be comprehensive and at the same time user-friendly. The programme is fundamentally designed to address national priorities and the quality of life for occupants. The rating programme uses well accepted National standards and wherever local or National standards are not available, appropriate international benchmarks have been considered.
A Green Home can have tremendous benefits, both tangible and intangible. The immediate and most tangible benefit is in the reduction in water and operating energy costs right from day one, during the entire life cycle of the building.
Tangible Benefits:
       - Energy savings : 20 - 30%
       - Water savings : 30 - 50%
Intangible Benefits:
       - Enhanced air quality
       - Excellent day lighting
       - Health & wellbeing of the occupants
       - Conservation of scarce national resources
       - Enhance marketability for the project
The project team can evaluate all the possible points to apply under the rating system using a suitable checklist. The project can apply for IGBC Green Homes® certification if it can meet all mandatory requirements and achieve the minimum required points. The guidelines detailed under each mandatory requirement & credit enables the design and construction of green homes of all sizes and types.
IGBC Green Homes® rating system addresses green features under the following categories:
       - Site Selection and Planning
       - Water Conservation
       - Energy Efficiency
       - Materials & Resources
       - Indoor Environmental Quality
       - Innovation & Design Process
IGBC Green Homes® Rating System is a measurement system designed for rating new and major renovation of residential buildings which are broadly classified into two construction types:
       - Individual residential unit
       - Multi-dwelling residential units
               o Gated communities.
               o High-rise residential apartments.
               o Hostels, Service apartments, Resorts, Motels and Guest houses.
IGBC Green Homes® is designed primarily for new residential buildings. However, it is also applicable for existing buildings designed in accordance with the IGBC Green Homes® criteria.
When to use IGBC Green Homes
The project team can evaluate all the possible points to apply under the rating system using a suitable checklist. The project can apply for IGBC Green Homes®
Certification Levels:
Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. However, every Green Home should meet certain mandatory requirements, which are non-negotiable.
The threshold criteria for certification/pre-certification levels are as under:
Certification Level Individual Units Multi-dwelling Units Recognition
Certified  38 - 44 50 - 59 Best Practices
Silver 45 - 51 60 - 69 Outstanding Performance
Gold 52 - 59 70 - 79 National Excellence
Platinum 60 - 75 80 - 89 Global Leadership

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Contact us - +91 22 64567600

IGBC Green New Buildings


The building sector in India is growing at a rapid pace and contributing immensely to the growth of the economy. This augurs well for the country and now there is an imminent need to introduce green concepts and techniques in this sector, which can aid growth in a sustainable manner.
The green concepts and techniques in the building sector can help address national issues like water efficiency, energy efficiency, reduction in fossil fuel use in commuting, handling of consumer waste and conserving natural resources. Most importantly, these concepts can enhance occupant health, happiness and well-being.
Against this background, the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has launched IGBC Green New Buildings rating system to address the National priorities. This rating programme is a tool which enables the designer to apply green concepts and reduce environmental impacts that are measurable. The rating programme covers methodologies to cover diverse climatic zones and changing lifestyles.
IGBC has set up the Green New Buildings Core Committee under the leadership of Ar. Raghavendran, to develop the rating programme. This committee comprised of key stakeholders including architects, builders, consultants, developers, owners, institutions, manufacturers and industry representatives. The committee, with a diverse background and knowledge has enriched the rating system, both in its content and process.
Green New buildings can have tremendous benefits, both tangible and intangible. The most tangible benefits are the reduction in water and energy consumption right from day one of occupancy. The energy savings could range from 20 - 30 % and water savings around 30 - 50%. The intangible benefits of green new buildings include enhanced air quality, excellent daylighting, health & well-being of the occupants, safety benefits and conservation of scarce national resources.
IGBC Green New Buildings rating system® addresses green features under the following categories:
       - Sustainable Architecture and Design
       - Site Selection and Planning
       - Water Conservation
       - Energy Efficiency
       - Building Materials and Resources
       - Indoor Environmental Quality
       - Innovation and Development
The guidelines detailed under each mandatory requirement & credit enables the design and construction of new buildings of all sizes and types (as defined in scope). Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. However, every green new building should meet certain mandatory requirements, which are non-negotiable.
IGBC Green New Buildings rating system® is designed primarily for new buildings. New Buildings include (but are not limited to) offices, IT parks, banks, shopping malls, hotels, airports, stadiums, convention centers, libraries, museums, etc., Building types such as residential, factory buildings, schools will be covered under other IGBC rating programmes. IGBC Green New Buildings rating system is broadly classified into two types:
1.    Owner-occupied buildings are those wherein 51% or more of the building's built-up area is occupied by the owner.
2.    Tenant-occupied buildings are those wherein 51% or more of the building's built-up area is occupied by the tenants.
Based on the scope of work, projects can choose any of the above options.
The project team can evaluate all the possible points to apply under the rating system using a suitable checklist (Owner-occupied buildings and Tenant-occupied buildings). The project can apply for IGBC Green New Buildings rating system® certification, if it can meet all mandatory requirements and achieve the minimum required points.
Certification Levels:
The threshold criteria for certification/pre-certification levels are as under:
Certification Level Owner-occupied Buildings Tenant-occupied Buildings Recognition
Certified 40 - 49 40 - 49 Good Practices
Silver 50 - 59 50 - 59 Best Practices
Gold  60 - 74 60 - 74 Outstanding Performance
Platinum 75 - 89 75 - 89 National Excellence
Super Platinum 90 - 100 90 - 100 Global Leadership
IGBC will recognise Green New Buildings that achieve one of the rating levels with a formal letter of certification and a mountable plaque.
IGBC Green Existing Building O&M is the first rating programme developed in India, exclusively for existing building stock. It is based on accepted environmental principles and strikes a balance between known established practices and emerging concepts. The system is designed to be comprehensive in scope, yet simple in operation.
IGBC Green Existing Buildings O&M Rating System is a voluntary and consensus based programme. The rating is focused on sustained performance of buildings with respect to the green features.
The overarching objective of this rating system is to facilitate building owners & facility managers in implementation of green strategies, measure their impacts and sustain the performance in the long run.
IGBC Green Existing Buildings O&M Rating System is fundamentally designed to address national priorities of resource conservation while providing quality of life for occupants. The rating programme uses well accepted National standards and wherever local or National standards are not available, appropriate international benchmarks have been considered.
Green Existing Buildings can have tremendous benefits, both tangible and intangible
Tangible benefits:
       - Energy savings : 15 - 30%
       - Water savings : 15 - 50%
Intangible benefits:
       - Enhanced air quality
       - Health & higher satisfaction levels of occupants
The project team can evaluate all the possible points to apply under the rating system using a suitable checklist. The project can apply for IGBC Existing Buildings O&M certification if it can meet all mandatory requirements and achieve the minimum required points.
IGBC Green Existing Buildings O&M rating system addresses green features under the following categories:
       - Site & Facility Management
       - Water Efficiency
       - Energy Efficiency
       - Health & Comfort
       - Innovation
The pilot version of IGBC Existing Buildings O&M rating system is applicable for all types of non-residential buildings including office buildings, IT Parks, BPOs, shopping malls, hotels, hospitals, airports, banks, etc. Building types such as factory and schools will be covered under respective IGBC rating programmes.
When to use IGBC Green Existing Buildings O&M
The pilot version of IGBC Existing Buildings O&M rating system is applicable for all types of non-residential buildings including office buildings, IT Parks, BPOs, shopping malls, hotels, hospitals, airports, banks, etc. Building types such as factory and schools will be covered under respective IGBC rating programmes.
Buildings which are 80% occupied (with respect to the carpet area) and operational for a minimum of 1 year are eligible for certification under IGBC Existing Buildings O&M rating.
Projects already certified and operational for more than 1 year are also eligible to apply for IGBC Existing Buildings O&M certification
Campus projects having multiple buildings can be considered as one single project for registration and certification. However each building has to individually conform to the energy, water and fresh air mandatory requirements.
Certification Levels:
It is important to note that the mandatory requirements/ credits earned during the preliminary review are only considered as anticipated. These mandatory requirements/ credits are not awarded until the final documents are submitted. If there are changes in any credit anticipated after preliminary review, these changes need to be documented and resubmitted during the final review.
The threshold criteria for Certification levels are as under:
Certification Level Points Recognition
Certified 50 - 59 Best Practices
Silver 60 - 69 Outstanding Performance
Gold 70 - 79 National Excellence
Platinum 80 - 100 Global Leadership

Validity of Certification Levels:
IGBC Green Existing Buildings O&M rating is valid for a period of 3 years from the date of issue of the certification.
For recertification, the projects have to show compliance to the latest version of IGBC Green Existing Buildings O&M rating prevailing at the time of recertification.

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Contact us - +91 22 64567600



‘GRIHA’ Rating System:
Criteria and their weightage
GRIHA is a guiding and performance-oriented system where points are earned for meeting the design and performance intent of the criteria. Each criterion has a number of points assigned to it. It means that a project intending to meet the criterion would qualify for the points.
Compliances, as specified in the relevant criterion, have to be submitted in the prescribed format. While the intent of some of the criteria is self-validating in nature, there are others such as energy consumption, thermal and visual comfort, noise control, and indoor pollution levels which need to be validated on-site through performance monitoring. The points related to these criteria (specified under the relevant sections) are awarded provisionally while certifying and are converted into firm points through monitoring, validation, and documents/photographs to support the award of point.
GRIHA is a 100 point system consisting of some core points, which are mandatory, while the rest are optional.
Different levels of certification (one star to five stars) are awarded based on the number of points earned. The minimum points required for certification is 50.

Criterion 1 Site Selection
Criterion 2 Preserve and protect landscape during construction/compensatory depository forestation.
Criterion 3 Soil conservation (post construction)
Criterion 4 Design to include existing site features
Criterion 5 Reduce hard paving on site
Criterion 6 Enhance outdoor lighting system efficiency
Criterion 7 Plan utilities efficiently and optimize on-site circulation efficiency
Criterion 8 Provide minimum level of sanitation/safety facilities for construction workers
Criterion 9 Reduce air pollution during construction
Criterion 10 Reduce landscape water demand
Criterion 11 Reduce building water use
Criterion 12 Efficient water use during construction
Criterion 13 Optimize building design to reduce conventional energy demand
Criterion 14 Optimize energy performance of building within specified comfort limits
Criterion 15 Utilization of fly-ash or equivalent industrial/agricultural waste as recommended by BIS in building structures
Criterion 16 Reduce embodied energy of construction is reduced by adopting material efficient technologies and/or low-energy materials
Criterion 17 Use low-energy materials in Interiors
Criterion 18 Renewable energy utilization
Criterion 19 Renewable energy based hot water system
Criterion20 Waste water treatment
Criterion 21 Water recycle and reuse (including rainwater)
Criterion 22 Reduction in waste during construction
Criterion 23 Efficient Waste segregation
Criterion 24 Storage and disposal of wastes
Criterion 25 Resource recovery from waste
Criterion 26 Use of low-VOC paints/adhesives/sealants
Criterion 27 Minimize ozone depleting substances
Criterion 28 Ensure water quality
Criterion 29 Acceptable outdoor and indoor noise levels
Criterion 30 Tobacco and smoke control
Criterion 31 Provide at least the minimum level of accessibility for persons with disabilities
Criterion 32 Energy audit and validation
Criterion 33 Operation and Maintenance
Criterion 34 Innovation Points

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IGBC Green Townships


IGBC Green Townships rating system is a tool which enables the designer to apply green concepts and criteria, so as to reduce environmental impacts that are measurable. The rating system is designed to address large developments and it is mandatory to include residential development as part of the township.
Township Defined:
A township is a combination of several communities; a community in turn is a combination of several sectors. Several townships form a city. A city typically has an administrative, legal, or historical status based on local law. A township, however, may not fall under the purview of the local government.
Township ranges in sizes and land uses. Townships are typically mixed-use in character. However, Townships can be predominantly commercial, industrial or retail but should necessarily comprise of a residential component. Atleast 25% of the total built-up area (in sq. m.) within the township should be earmarked for residential use, for it to qualify for certification.
Application of IGBC Green Township rating system in large developments would address national priorities leading to benefits, such as efficient land use, habitat preservation and restoration, effective transport management, efficient use of resource and enhanced quality of life for the occupants.
Adopting the IGBC Green Townships rating systems will reap the following benefits:
•    Water efficiency - Green townships encourage use of water in a self - sustainable manner through reducing, recycling and reusing strategies and can save potable water to an extent of 30 - 50%.
•    Energy efficiency - Green townships can reduce energy consumption of infrastructural equipment through energy efficient street lighting, motors, pumps etc. The energy savings that can be realised by adopting this rating programme in infrastructural equipment can be to the tune of 20 - 30%. Further, on-site power generation using various renewable energy technologies and other clean fuels can significantly reduce the load on grid power supply.
•    Waste Management - Green townships encourage effective waste management strategies by facilitating the segregating of waste at source and promoting the reuse / co-processing of products and materials.
Benefits to Developers:
There is wide spread perception that environmentally responsive developments are time consuming and financially less rewarding. However, in reality well-executed green developments perform extremely well financially, as they require lower operating costs, increase health and productivity of the citizens and have higher marketability. The immediate benefits include reduction in water and energy demand right from the initial stages of operation. The energy savings range from 20-30% and water savings around 30 - 50%.
Other benefits include:
•    Reduced maintenance cost
•    Reduced resource consumption
•    Reduced waste generation
•    Higher Marketability
•    Speedy approvals
The project team can evaluate all the possible points to apply under the rating system using a suitable checklist. The project can apply for IGBC Townships certification if it can meet all mandatory requirements and achieve the minimum required points.
IGBC Green Townships rating system addresses green features under the following categories:
•    Site Selection and Planning
•    Land Use Planning
•    Transportation Planning
•    Infrastructure Resource Management
•    Innovation & Design Process
The rating system is designed to address large developments and it is mandatory to include residential development as part of the township. Some typical examples of large scale developments are integrated townships, satellite cities, gated communities, campuses with multiple buildings etc. However, it is to be noted that the rating system is not applicable for individual buildings and land parcels.
When to use IGBC Green Townships
IGBC Green Township rating system is designed primarily for large scale developments. Residential dwellings should be an integral part of the development. The project teams should first evaluate if the mandatory requirements of the rating system are met and able to achieve the minimum points required for certification.
Certification Levels:
Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. However, every Green Township should meet certain mandatory requirements, which are non-negotiable.
The threshold criteria for certification/provisional levels are as under:

Certification Level
Points Recognition
Certified  51 - 60  Best Practices
Silver 61 - 70 Outstanding Performance
Gold 71 - 80 National Excellence
Platinum 81-100 Global Leadership

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Contact us - +91 22 64567600

IGBC Green Schools


IGBC set up the Green Schools Core Committee to develop a rating program to address school children from Kindergarten to Higher secondary (KG to + 2). The committee comprises of key stakeholders, including educationists, principals, school managements, industry representatives and architects. The committee, with a diverse background and knowledge has enriched the rating system, both in its content and process.
The School rating system is unique in the sense that it addresses eco-education, Health & hygiene besides the infrastructural facilities, energy efficiency, water conservation and waste management. Aspects like nutrition, physical activity & safety are also addressed.
Any project can apply for IGBC Green Schools Rating System certification, if it meets all the mandatory requirements and achieve the minimum required credit points. Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. The guidelines detailed would also help in the implementation and monitoring of eco-friendly measures.
All the schools going for IGBC Green Schools Certification should adhere to the local building laws and stipulations.
Benefits of Green & Healthy Schools:
These benefits to the schools can be broadly categorized under performance, pedagogy, community and responsibility:

Schools can have tremendous benefits, both tangible and intangible. The most tangible benefits are the reduction in water and energy consumption. Intangible benefits include health & wellbeing of children, enhanced air quality and excellent day lighting.
IGBC Green Schools rating system addresses green features under the following categories:
•    Site Selection & Planning
•    Sustainable Water Practices
•    Conserving & Harvesting Energy
•    Eco-Friendly School Material
•    Indoor Environment Quality
•    Health & Hygiene
•    Green Education
The guidelines detailed under each mandatory requirement & credit enables the design and construction of schools of all sizes and types (as defined in scope). Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. However, every green new school should meet certain mandatory requirements, which are non-negotiable.
Both teachers and school children can participate in the design and implementation:
•    Step 1: Analysis & Documentation
•    Step 2: Checklist preparation
•    Step 3: Identify and implement
Schools interested in IGBC Green Schools Rating System Certification can register with the Council. Projects can be registered on the IGBC website (www.igbc.in) under 'IGBC Green Schools Rating System'. The registration is the initial step which will help in establishing contact with IGBC and provide access to several resources.
The rating system is designed such that both existing schools and new schools can use the guidelines.
•    Existing Schools: Schools which already at operational levels
•    New Schools: Schools that are getting constructed.
Certification Levels:
The various levels of rating awarded are:
Certification Level Existing Schools New Schools Recognition
Certified 50 - 59 55 - 65 Best Practices
Silver 60 - 69 66 - 76 Outstanding Performance
Gold 70 - 79 77 - 87 National Excellence
Platinum 80 - 100 88 - 110 Global Leadership

The council would recognise green schools that achieve one of the rating levels with a formal letter of certification and a mountable plaque.
Validity of Certification Levels:
IGBC Green Factory Buildings rating is valid for a period of 3 years from the date of issue of the certification. mandatory requirements, which are non-negotiable.
For recertification, the projects have to show compliance to the latest version of IGBC Green Factory Buildings rating prevailing at the time of recertification.

To know more about Masters PMC, visit - www.masterspmc.com

Contact us - +91 22 64567600

Friday, 4 March 2016

Trilium Mall: Replantation of Trees prior to Construction on Site


The Client, Tata Realty and Infrastructure Limited, in line with their policy of environmental awareness and social responsibility, wanted to preserve the existing trees on the site which was earmarked for their mall development at Amritsar.
Thus a secondary location was identified and a strategy was put in place for the delicate exercise involving the process of uprooting, transporting, replanting and tending to the trees in a new location across the road from the site.
The following photo-essay, documents the process --
The site
Site enabling works
A large pit is dug around the tree, roots are gently dislodged. A crane is used to hoist out the tree.
The roots are wrapped in a protective cloth which is moistened with water.
The tree is transferred into a truck.
Transporting the tree to the new location
Tree is removed from the truck (again with the help of the crane)

Tree is transplanted in the new location.
Trilium Mall after completion.
Eventually, out of a little over a 100 trees, 97% survived and took root in the new location

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Contact us - +91 22 64567600



  1. The Population of our cities is projected to double in next 20 years. The challenge is to create & manage buildings and communities which are not only efficient in environmental terms but also promote a high quality of life.
  2. Going “Green” is the “right thing”
              - reduce carbon consumption,
              - energy independence,
              - encourage community,
              - preserve natural systems
  3. Green Buildings & Projects are High-performance buildings or structure whose construction & Life time of Operations assures the healthiest possible Environment by reducing its environmental footprint through sustainable selections and conservation of energy and resources, while improving the health and productivity of its occupants.
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  2. Economics is as much as an important drive for sustainability along with environment , Technology & Social Culture
  3. However, developers face a major challenge in the development of green buildings as in some cases this increases construction costs. Developers find it difficult to opt for green buildings due to price constraints difficulty in sourcing green building materials, technologies and service providers or facilitators in India.
  4. Any turbulence in the real estate industry will directly affect developers’ propensity to invest in additional cost centres such as a premium on green buildings.
  5. Association of government Initiatives and acceptance of green building guidelines by consumers is not to its true potential as is in many western countries.
  6. The tangible benefits of Green building are not immediately visible, though the lifetime payback is much higher as compared to conventional buildings. Due to Lack of awareness of future benefits, consumers or buyers are not associating themselves with the movement.
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  1. The green building is not a bolt on conventional building but is instead an integrated discipline of design that requires a different way of thinking.
  2. Building a green Building is more than a matter of assembling a collection of latest green technologies or material. It is a process in which the elements of design are first optimized and then integrated as part of whole building solution.
  3. By blending the right mix of green technologies that cost less with green materials it is possible to have a project not much expensive than the conventional ones.
  4. More emphasis on adopting the right building science and less dependence on high-cost building technologies A better scientific understanding of the way buildings work and avoiding high technological sophistication.
Green Building vs. Conventional Building
  1. Newer Materials & Technologies with Less of a Track Record.
  2. Enhanced Operations Procedures During Construction.
              - Activity Pollution Control
              -Construction Waste Management Plan
                      -- Diversion of Waste from Landfill
                      -- Recycling and/or Salvaging On-Site
              - Re-Use of Materials
              -Indoor Air Quality Management Plan
              -Energy Conversation
  3. The overall benefits of green buildings mostly depend on the extent to which the sustainable features are addressed during the initial planning and design. A green building is most likely to succeed in its objective if sustainable features are envisioned and incorporated right at the design stage. The design has to take into consideration the entire supply chain—from material sourcing, energy modelling, resource reuse, civic amenities and waste disposal to tenant education.
  4. GAINS
    1. Green makes business sense
               - Increased flexibility to allow for longer building and useful life and reuse of materials
                - Improved building performance
                - Increased revenue (higher rents/sales price, improved productivity, fewer/shorter vacancies)
                - Strong brand value of the developer
                -Cost Savings (First-Cost Savings; Ongoing Operating Expense Reductions)
                -Minimize Impact on Environment
                - Enhanced Health & Productivity of Occupants
                -Community & Social Benefits
                - Other Owner Benefits (Lender Incentives, Tax Abatements etc.)
    2. The Global Industry is moving from building to building approach to Sustainability & towards greener neighbourhood & cities.
    3. The key challenges for the development of green buildings in India are mostly in the lines of awareness on the benefits of green buildings, materials and technology. To succeed it is important to increase the awareness among general public about the benefits of green projects and the resultant gains to the buyers.
    4. Like many countries, Green Funds should be introduced to facilitate the involvement of industry in the process of providing green materials and to facilitate green movement in real estate development.
    5. To succeed Partnership between Industry & Government is essential. New useful legislations & codes like mandatory energy & water usage audits etc. are need of day. Only thru this partnership we will realize the full potential to deliver an economically, environmentally & socially sustainable future.

To know more about Masters PMC, visit - www.masterspmc.com

Contact us - +91 22 64567600 

Environmental Management of Sites


Environmental Management System (EMS) at sites refers to the management of an organization's environmental programs in a comprehensive, systematic, planned and documented manner. It includes the organizational structure, planning and resources for developing, implementing and maintaining policy for environmental protection.
Introduction to EMS
An Environmental Management System (EMS) establishes what an organization needs to do in order to manage itself so as to meet its environmental, economic and social goals. A typical EMS model is represented diagrammatically below.
Based on the P-D-C-A Model, Plan-Do-Check-Act
Typical EMS model

An Environmental Policy for the project will be developed by the Contractors senior management team. The environmental policy, as defined by ISO 14001, is a statement by the organization of its intentions and principles in relation to its overall environmental performance which provides a framework for action and for the setting of its environmental objectives and targets.
It will be communicated to all employees and sub-contractors via site inductions and tool box talks and will be displayed on various notice boards throughout the construction sites. The policy should also be available to the public.
The core document of the EMS is the Environmental Management Plan (EMP). The EMP is the lead environmental management document that defines the procedures for achieving the objectives set out in the Environmental Policy and identified environmental performance targets for the project. The EMP outlines the contractors approach to environmental management throughout the construction phases with the primary aim of reducing any adverse impacts from construction on local sensitive receivers.
Contents of the EMP
The EMP will identify the project management structure and clearly identify the roles and responsibilities with regard to managing and reporting on the construction phase environmental aspects.
An Environmental Risk Assessment will be undertaken when developing the EMP. The risk assessment identifies all aspects of construction that could have an environmental impact and assesses the potential risk and impact of that activity on the environment. Management controls are then devised to eliminate and/or minimize those identified impacts.
The assessment would address the potential impacts created during the temporary construction period (e.g. construction dust and noise) and any permanent impacts (e.g. disturbance to vegetation) that are influenced by construction methods. Specific environmental issues would be addressed in the EMP and strategic details on how these would be controlled across the project would be provided. The list of potential issues that will need to be addressed in the plan are provided below based on information provided in the Environmental Statement.
  1.  Construction noise and vibration management
  2.  Air quality including dust management
  3. Sustainable waste management
  4. Archaeology and heritage management
  5.  Water management (surface and groundwater)
  6.  Management and protection of ecological resources (particularly relating to timing of certain works)
  7.  Contaminated land management
The EMP would set out objectives and targets for the project that are realistic and relevant for maintaining or improving environmental performance.
A programme of monitoring, reporting and auditing of compliance in accordance with any obligations of the planning consent, licenses and approvals should also be contained in the EMP to ensure that identified and appropriate control measures are effective.
Editor’s Note: Masters takes pride in being an environmentally responsible organization. Wherever possible we encourage our Clients and Associates to join with us in establishing and managing sites in a safe, healthy and environmentally responsible manner.
Some Environmentally Responsible Activities Undertaken at Site
epic11       epic12
Tree Plantation
epic17       epic14
Water Sprinkling to Control Dust            Noise test
epic15       epic16
Ambient air monitoring

By  Plabon Dutta

To know more about Masters PMC, visit - www.masterspmc.com

Contact us - +91 22 64567600 

Thursday, 3 March 2016

National Safety Day/Week

The National safety Day is observed every year in India on 4th March. It is observed to highlight the importance of safety in all spheres of life so as to prevent mishaps and incidents resulting out of neglect or lack of awareness. NSD is celebrated on 4th March because on this day National Safety Council of India (NSC) was established in 1972. NSC is an apex non-profit, tripartite body (involving 3 divisions), registered under the Societies registration Act 1860 and Bombay Public Trust Act 1950. It has been set to educate and influence society to adopt appropriate policies, practices and procedures for preventing and reducing human suffering and economic losses arising from all type of incidents.
Safety Day Activities and Events
NSD has significantly contributed to reduction in the rate of industrial incidents and created wide spread safety awareness even in such sectors which not have been covered by any safety legislation. The campaign is comprehensive, general and flexible with an appeal to the participating organizations to develop specific activities as per their safety requirements.
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Various activities undertaken on this day
  1.   Posters and Banners making to promote safety are displayed in strategic locations.                                                                              
  2.  Administration of Safety Pledge by the employees.
  3.  Unfurling of the NSD Flag.
  4. Pinning of the NSD badge on guest on the occasion.
  5. Safety competitions including – essay, slogan, Housekeeping, safety performances, safety suggestion, exhibitions etc.
  6. Training programme/workshop/seminars etc.
  7. Community awareness programme amongst others. One-act play/drama, songs etc.
  8. Screening of safety films in units/employee colonies.
  9.  Practical demonstrations on PPE/Fire Fighting, etc.
  10.  Organizing emergency drills.
  11. Display of Mobile Exhibition.
  12.  Holding award functions.
  13.   Invite eminent guest speakers.

 To know more about Masters PMC, visit - www.masterspmc.com

Contact us - +91 22 64567600